In honor of the youngest child of Mama “D” and Daddy Red – Harriett Suzanne James born on November 22, 1946. The November blog is dedicated to my Aunt Suzy. Happy Birthday! I love you.
1st Annual Brat’s Weekend – March 14th through 16th, 1997
Lake House, Pomona Park, FL
The four youngest children of Mama “D” and Daddy Red just spent a weekend together. Warren, Richard, Phil, and Suzy have been talking for over a year about having a golf weekend together, and we finally did it! We played our course (Marsh Creek) on Friday and had one terrific day – spent the evening playing poker, spent the night at Suzy’s…. Saturday, we played the St. Johns County course and had another terrific day (beautiful course), drove over to Richard’s lake house – spent the evening playing poker (we even allowed Rosie to join us for dinner, poker and entertainment from Richard’s neighbor Brad Penn). The boys slept at Richard’s and I kept Rosie company at her house for the night…. Sunday, bright and early – we were off to Palatka Golf Club for a really great day on the golf course. After finishing, we polished off the day with beer and hot dogs, and then lots of hugs… Then home we went. It was truly a great experience being together like that!!! Suzy (April / May / June, 1997 Newsletter)
2nd Annual Brat’s Weekend – May, 1998
Suzy’s, St. Augustine, FL
3rd Annual Brat’s Weekend – 1999
Fanning Springs, Florida
4th Annual Brat’s Weekend – August 24th thru 27th, 2000
Sebastian, Florida
2002 Brat’s Weekend – February 15, 16, & 17
Sebastian, Florida
Awesome pictures!!!! Incredible memories!! Oh, to relive some of those GREAT times being a part of the BRATS.